
Graphlab - How to set the number of trees parameter in random forest classifier

I am training a random forest classifier :

model = gl.random_forest_classifier.create(train, target = 'label',row_subsample = 0.5, column_subsample = 0.75, validation_set=validation, metric="auc",  max_iterations=10, max_depth = 15)

How can I set the number of trees parameter? It's a binary classification problem and the documentation says:

max_iterations : The maximum number of iterations to perform. For multi-class classification with K classes, each iteration will create K-1 trees.


  • "The num_trees keyword argument is deprecated. Please use the max_iterations argument instead. Any value provided for num_trees will be used in place of max_iterations."

    So, adjust the max_iterations also means adjust the the number of trees parameter.