I want to clear all records in accumulo for my local machine and want to delete unused tables created while testing. I found delete table command which can be used from accumulo shell, however that will require much of manual works for deleting large number of tables. I also tried instructions to format namenode of hadoop but that doesn't seems to work.
How can I remove all tables and have fresh start with accumulo datastore?
Well, I deleted all the tables using command deletetable -f -p Test.*
. Which will delete all tables with prefix "Test". In short we can write a script to delete all tables.
To remove all the hadoop files from accumulo, follow the steps:
$ hdfs dfs -rm -R -skipTrash hdfs://localhost:9000/accumulo
Where hdfs://localhost:9000/accumulo
is path to accumulo data.$ accumulo init
.$ ./bin/start-all.sh