
VBA Excel Won't Ignore "Number Stored as Text" Error

I think Excel is going senile.

For the life of me, I can't get my Excel VBA macro to ignore a "Number Stored as Text" error.

In cell C71 on a worksheet called "Main," I have the value 6135413313, which Excel is warning is a number stored as text. And it should be. But I want to remove that annoying little triangle at the end of my macro.

I've reduced my macro code to the bare bones for testing purposes, but that triangle still persists. Here's my macro:

Sub test()
    Range("C71").Errors(xlEvaluateToError).Ignore = True
End Sub

How is this not making that error go away? I've also tried Range("Main!C71"). That didn't work either.

This should be mind-bogglingly easy, but that one line of code still doesn't work. Any ideas?


  • you can try this

    Sub test()
    Sheets("Main").Range("C71").Errors(xlNumberAsText).Ignore = True
    End Sub


    Sub test()
    Sheets("Main").Range("C71").Value = Sheets("Main").Range("C71").Value
    End Sub


    The other way is you can manually disable background error checking.
    you can find this option by clicking File - Excel Options - Formulas and uncheck the option

    it will disable error checking for all cells

    background error checking