
Parse Json string to Classic ASP page

What is the best way to parse json string into classic asp using a library?

Dim jsonString
jsonString = {"date":"4/28/2017","custType":"100","vehicle":"1"}

Would like to have

response.write("<li> date :" & json("date") & "</li>")


  • Got it working:

    Using https://github.com/rcdmk/aspJSON

    Dim jsonString
    jsonString = {"date":"4/28/2017","custType":"100","vehicle":"1"}
    Dim jsonObj, outputObj
    set jsonObj = new JSONobject
    set outputObj = jsonObj.parse(jsonString)
    response.write("<li> date :" & outputObj("date") & "</li>")
    response.write("<li> custType :" & outputObj("custType") & "</li>")
    response.write("<li> vehicle :" & outputObj("vehicle") & "</li>")

    If you need to iterate through the single object use outputObj.pairs

    Dim props, prop
    props = outputObj.pairs
    for each prop in props
        response.write prop.name & " : " & prop.value & "<br>"

    as referenced https://github.com/rcdmk/aspJSON/issues/20