
What do you think about Microsoft Oslo MGraph?

MGraph is a great textual data format brought by Microsoft "Oslo".

Do you think it has a chance to get as broad as XML is today?

Example (Google Geocode):

  name = "waltrop, lehmstr 1d",  
  Status {  
    code = 200,  
    request: "geocode"  
  Placemark [  
      id = "p1",  
      address = "Lehmstraße, 45731 Waltrop, Deutschland",  
      AddressDetails { Country {CountryNameCode = "DE", CountryName = "Deutschland", AdministrativeArea { AdministrativeAreaName = "Nordrhein-Westfalen", SubAdministrativeArea = { SubAdministrativeAreaName = "Recklinghausen", Locality { LocalityName = "Waltrop", Thoroughfare { ThoroughfareName = "Lehmstraße" }, PostalCode = { PostalCodeNumber = "45731" }}}}}, Accuracy = 6 },  
      ExtendedData {  
        LatLonBox {  
          north = 51.6244226,  
          south = 51.6181274,  
          east = 7.4046111,  
          west = 7.3983159  
      Point {  
        coordinates [ 7.4013350, 51.6212620, 0 ]  

Mode information here: Microsoft "Oslo" MGraph - the next XML?


  • ...and what does it do that JSON doesn't do?