
setenv() in c doesn't add a my custom bin directory

I would like to add my folmer /myBin/bin which have executable inside to the PATH environment variable so i can execvp() these.

The setenv() doesn't seems to add my directory to the PATH, what am I missing ?

Thank you

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
    char binDir[PATH_MAX+1];
    char pathDir[PATH_MAX+1];

    printf("Variable d'environnement (%s)\n\n\n", getenv("PATH"));
    printf("Variable d'environnement (%s)\n", getenv("PATH"));
    return 0;


  • You have set last argument of setenv to 0, as per setenv documentation "if overwrite is zero, then the value of name is not changed. ", you may try passing 1 as overwrite arguent to setenv