
How to Select DuckDuckGo Element. AJAX

I'm trying to use AJAX to gather search results from DuckDuckGo's Search API.

Here's the JavaScript I've written so far:

  type: 'GET',
  url: '',
  data: { q: myhomestate, format: 'json', pretty: 1 },
  jsonpCallback: 'jsonp',
  listLocation: "RelatedTopics",
  dataType: 'text'
}).then(function (data) {

The code works fine, but it just returns a big JSON object, and I don't know how to select any of its elements. Please help!


  • data = JSON.parse(data);

    turns it into a normal JavaScript object. Then you can select elements like you would any other object.


    var heading = data.Heading;

    var developer = data.meta.developer[0].name