
Select Single Node with a attribute name in vbscript

Have an xml file

        <add context="Localization">
           <parameter name="timeout" type="int" defaultvalue="60"/>
           <parameter name="address" type="string" defaultvalue="" />
           <parameter name="port" type="int" defaultvalue="6789"/>
       <add context="General">
           <parameter name="timeout" type="int" defaultvalue="60"/>
           <parameter name="address" type="string" defaultvalue="" />
           <parameter name="port" type="int" defaultvalue="5674"/>

I need to get the element whose attribute is context="General" using vbscript

I can get the top node with this statement

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set queryNode = xmlDocument.selectSingleNode(".//localdata")

But not sure how to extend this.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


  • To get any node, you can use this

    Set queryNode = xmlDocument.selectSingleNode(".//node()[@context = 'General']")

    or, specifically for the add node

    Set queryNode = xmlDocument.selectSingleNode(".//add[@context = 'General']")

    This is using XPath, which may require you to set the selection namespace property of the DomDocument

    xmlDocument.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"

    You might want to search for a XPath tutorial, such as w3schools - New Link