
jenkins how to enable checkout lightweight for pipelineJob?

Here is my job DSL which creates pipelinejob in which script is taken from scm itself.

pipelineJob ("${jobName}_deploy") {
  description("built by seed")

definition {
     cpsScm {
        scm {
            git {
                remote {
        scriptPath "scripts/pipeline/jenkinsfile_deploy"

I need the lightweight checkout should be checked automatically. enter image description here

any help would be more appreciated. I have so many jobs in which i need to open each and every job and click that check box which is painful.


  • You can use a Configure Block to add any option that is missing in the built-in DSL:

    pipelineJob('example') {
      definition {
        cpsScm {
          // ...
      configure {
         it / definition / lightweight(true)