
MS Access - UPDATE SQL Query Error 3061

I try to update data in a table with text delivered from a InputBox.

Private Sub editname_Click()

 Dim GivenNameTB As String
 Dim EnterName As String
 Dim SQl As String
 Dim LocationID As Integer

 GivenNameTB = Me.txt_name.Text
 EnterName = InputBox("Change name", "Change name", GivenNameTB)
 LocationID = Me.list_ma.Column(1)

 SQl = " Update tWorkers SET GivenName = forms!mainform!EnterName WHERE tWorkers.IDName = forms!mainform!LocationID "

 CurrentDb.Execute SQl

End Sub

However, I get error code 3061 "Too few parameters. Expected 2"


The table structure of tWorkers:

IDName - auto-increment (primary key)
LastName - text
GivenName - text

I'm targeting column GivenName by SET GivenName = ..., and the row by LocationID.

LocationID gets its value from the list field list_ma. The list field consists of five columns whereas IDName is column 2.

My whole point is to update a field in a table. A text box in my form shows a name which can be edited by clicking a button. Then a inputbox pops up. The entered string should be saved in the desired field.


  • I think you need DoCmd.RunSQL rather than CurrentDb.Execute.

    Private Sub editname_Click()
     Dim GivenNameTB As String
     Dim EnterName As String
     Dim SQl As String
     Dim LocationID As Integer
     GivenNameTB = Me.txt_name.Text
     EnterName = InputBox("Change name", "Change name", GivenNameTB)
     LocationID = Me.list_ma.Column(1)
     SQL = " Update tWorkers SET GName = " & chr(34) & EnterName & chr(34) & " WHERE tWorkers.IDName = " & LocationID
     Debug.Print SQL -- For checking what code we are running.
     DoCmd.RunSQL SQL 
    End Sub