
How to get Active Directory Groups working with TikiWiki

So I have seen a number of questions revoloving around this issue, most get stuck authenticating against AD for login on TikiWiki. I have that working without issue.

The problem that I am facing is that there is supposed to be an integration with the Groups in AD so that I can assign privileges and access rights within the Tiki for those groups. Nothing that I have done allows me to pull in the group info, so I cannot segregate them apart without using internal (Tiki only) groups and assigning them after the users log in. In a large company that would be painfully tedious....

Here are screenshots of my LDAP tab and LDAP External Groups tab, sensitive info redacted of course. If I am missing something or have something misconfigured, please help. I followed the walk-through here to set everything up: TikiWiki version is 15.2 (current stable)

LDAP Settings LDAP Settings

LDAP External Group Settings LDAP External Groups Settings


  • I finally figured that out. This works for me on Tikiwiki 16.2:

    1. In General Preferences tab:

    2. In LDAP tab, set up as following (you may need to switch the Advanced mode on to see more settings):


    LDAP Bind settings

    LDAP User

    LDAP Admin

    3. In LDAP external groups tab, setup as following:

    LDAP external groups

    LDAP Bind settings

    LDAP User

    LDAP Group

    LDAP Group Member - if group membership can be found in group attributes

    LDAP User Group - if group membership can be found in user attributes

    LDAP Admin

    4. Click Apply and enjoy

    From now on, whenever a user login, all the groups where she belongs will be created on Tikiwiki if they aren't there yet.

    I also wrote an article here: