
using SHVC video encoder

I am trying to generate an SHVC video stream using the reference software SHM12.3. The repository has the source files so I was able to compile and generate the executables. The problem now is with the parameters that I have to pass to the encoder.

The documentation provided with the reference software contains a quick start guide to use the encoder, which mentions a sample command to run:

./ -q 22 -o "~/myOutputDirectory/" -ci ldHE BQSquare_416x240_60 -tb "5000 34241 6541" -ca '-e ~/bin/TAppEncoder.exe -cd ~/cfg/'

This gives me an error "Unexpected exit status from" although I have created all the required directories and I have all the executables that are required by the shell script Did anyone else try with SHM12.3 or even any previous version and succeeded to encode a video sequence?


  • I was able to successfully encode by compiling the linux source file to generate some executables, including "TAppEncoderStatic".

    ./TAppEncoderStatic -c ~/cfg/encoder_randomaccess_scalable.cfg -c ~/cfg/per-sequence-svc/bbb_180-2x.cfg -i0 ~/inputVideos/bbb_180p24.yuv 

    The problem before was that I did not have the test sequence "BQSquare_416x240.yuv", so I tried with my own video sequence and it worked after tweaking the configuration parameters.