
OctoberCMS Builder plugin with state and suburb

I have created two plugins (States and Suburbs) using Builder plugin and so far it works great.

The Thing is, in States plugin, I am simply allowing ability to add state names and in Suburbs plugin, I am allowing users to select State first and then enter suburb name. All works fine as of now in these two plugins.

Now the thing is, I have a third plugin called as Properties in which I have both these 2 drop-downs State and Suburb but as of now All States and All Suburbs are showing. But I want users to select first State and then based on state selection it should should all its suburbs to my another Suburb drop-down.

I have tried to use dependsOn which Builder plugin provides but I just am not able to understand the flow to achieve it step by step based on the current scenario I have. Below is the code what I have done and tried so far.


<?php namespace Technobrave\Properties\Models;

    use Model;
    use technobrave\states\Models\State as State;
    use technobrave\suburbs\Models\Suburb as Suburb;

    public function getStateIdOptions()
            // getting all states 

           $get_all_states = State::all();

           $fields[''] = 'Select any State';
           foreach ($get_all_states as $current_state) {
                $fields[$current_state->attributes['id']] = $current_state->attributes['state_name'];

          return $fields;

        public function getSuburbIdOptions($stateId)
            // getting all suburbs 

            $get_all_suburbs = Suburb::all();

            $fields[''] = 'Select any Suburb';
            foreach ($get_all_suburbs as $current_suburb) {
                $fields[$current_suburb->attributes['id']] = $current_suburb->attributes['suburb'];


          return $fields;

How can I do this from here on ? Any help or guidance will be highly appreciated and useful.



  • Ok Guys,

    Eventually I have come up with a solution. Here is what I have done.

    fields.yaml File: technobrave\properties\models\property\fields.yaml

                label: 'State:'
                span: auto
                required: 1
                type: dropdown
                tab: 'Address Information'
                label: 'Suburb:'
                span: auto
                required: 1
                type: dropdown
                tab: 'Address Information'
                placeholder: 'Select any Suburb'
                dependsOn: state_id

    As you can see above,

    In suburb_id I have added, below two lines of code.

    placeholder: 'Select any Suburb'
    dependsOn: state_id

    Property Model File: technobrave\properties\models\Property.php

    use Model;
    use technobrave\states\Models\State as State;
    use technobrave\suburbs\Models\Suburb as Suburb;
    public function getStateIdOptions()
            // getting all states 
           $get_all_states = State::all();
           $fields[''] = 'Select any State';
           foreach ($get_all_states as $current_state) {
                $fields[$current_state->attributes['id']] = $current_state->attributes['state_name'];
          return $fields;
    public function getSuburbIdOptions()
        return Suburb::getNameList($this->state_id);

    Here above, I have just updated getSuburbIdOptions method with below code and removed my old code.

    return Suburb::getNameList($this->state_id);

    Then I went to my Suburbs plugin.

    Suburb Model File: technobrave\suburbs\models\Suburb.php

    And in this model file, I have made sure to use belongsTo and added getNameList method like below.

     <?php namespace Technobrave\Suburbs\Models;
        use Model;
        use technobrave\states\Models\State as State;
         * Model
        class Suburb extends Model
             * @var string The database table used by the model.
            public $table = 'youtable_here_';
            public $belongsTo = ['State' => [
                                                          'key' => 'state'
             * @var array Cache for nameList() method
            protected static $nameList = [];
            public static function getNameList($stateId)
                if (isset(self::$nameList[$stateId])) {
                    return self::$nameList[$stateId];
                return self::$nameList[$stateId] = self::wherestate($stateId)->lists('suburb', 'id');

    And it works.

    Hope it will help to those who stuck on the same issue/implementation.
