I had no problem with PhpStorm on Windows 10 for almost 2 years. Now, when I installed Ubuntu 16.10, there is some strange magic going over here.
I've got a project which I've newly created from existing sources. Everything went fine for that moment. Problem occurs when I want to add new server in Settings -> Deployment
tab. The "Add Server" popup appears and after filling Name and clicking "OK" button, PhpStorm freezes for a good couple of seconds. Same thing when I want to enter and edit some data inside that particular item from this tab. PhpStorm freezes so good that I cannot even close "Settings" popup :D.
I'm turning PhpStorm on from terminal with sudo pstorm
Any ideas?
Well, the answer lies in comments, thanks to @LazyOne:
Please switch to the most safe KeePass option in Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Passwords. If you prefer using Keychain instead -- you may either try to install some additional component (e.g. sudo apt-get install gnome-keyring) .. or it may not yet supported for your setup (e.g. KWallet -- youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-163275).
For now I'm using "In KeePass" option, where my database lies in this path "/root/.PhpStorm2017/config/c.kdbx". The "In native Keychain" option was giving me problems which I described in the question.