
Deploy laravel on blueMix

I have a VPS of blueMix, My cPanel's file Manager have folder public_html where i dropped a file index.php having some php echo 'tesing'; which wasn't loading up, After some research i found out that my root Directory is /var/www/html. But any how i dropped my project there like /var/www/html/project and then came up checked like and that redirected me to the hosting default page, show project root files and folders, returned internal server error 500. Permissions seems ok.

What am i missing, Is there a slandered way ? Please help out.

Q1 : How can i set my root directory public_html.

Q2 : How to deploy laravel in /var/www/html or public_html.


  • After hours of research, I easiest way is to have a server with out a lamp stack, Install a custom lamp stack, One by one component, Look for the apache configuration, Set the permissions, And you are good to go.