I'm trying to find the version of maven-wagon plugin that's being used in my project. Is there a way to find the version of a used plugin via command line?
There are several ways to do this:
1) Check the dependency tree:
To find out the libraries and versions you are using you can use the Maven dependency tree, just execute this where you have your project (pom.xml):
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose
This is useful detect which version of an specific library your project is using, but I think it doesn't include plugins.
2) Describe the specific plugin:
If you want to know what version of an specific plugin you have installed you can do this:
mvn -Dplugin=: help:describe
mvn -Dplugin=org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin help:describe
This shows you something like this:
Name: Maven Wagon plugin
Description: Maven plugin that can be used to access various operations on a
given URL using a supported maven wagon. Supports recursive upload, download,
and list directory content functionality.
Group Id: org.codehaus.mojo
Artifact Id: wagon-maven-plugin
Version: 1.0
Goal Prefix: wagon
This plugin has 11 goals:
3) Check the effective pom:
Execute this:
mvn help:effective-pom
and go through the pom looking for the plugin you need to clarify, there you will find something like this: