I am trying to send multiple events at once, using JSON, sending the following:
"event": {
"metaData": {
"meta_timestamp": 4.504343
"payloadData": {
"value": 20.44345
"event": {
"metaData": {
"meta_timestamp": 3.57724
"payloadData": {
"value": 9.30211
"event": {
"metaData": {
"meta_timestamp": 8.94134
"payloadData": {
"value": 35.41315
Am I using the correct JSON format?
Currently, the event receiver is ready to receive something like this:
"event": {
"metaData": {
"meta_timestamp": 4.504343
"payloadData": {
"value": 20.44345
I have been reading the documentation, something about "JSON input mapping" but I don't know how to use it (see the image).
Any ideas?
You JSON input mapping for this purpose. If input JSON is an array, each element will treat as an seperate event. Consider following custom JSON file.
"sensorData": {
"timestamp": 19900813115534,
"powerSaved": false,
"id": 501,
"name": temperature,
"long": 90.34344,
"lat": 20.44345,
"humidity": 2.3,
"temp": 20.44345
"sensorData": {
"timestamp": 19900813115534,
"powerSaved": false,
"id": 502,
"name": temperature,
"long": 90.34344,
"lat": 20.44345,
"humidity": 2.3,
"temp": 20.44345
Assume in the stream you have an meta attribute called "isPowerSaverEnabled" to store "powerSaved" attribute of the above JSON. Then in the JSON path should be $.sensorData.powerSaved
and in the "Mapped to" field it should be meta_isPowerSaverEnabled
For more information refer the documentation [1]. The sample of the this mapping is available with WSO2CEP pack, you can refer that one as well [2]
[2] https://docs.wso2.com/display/CEP410/Sample+0002+-+Receiving+Custom+JSON+Events+via+HTTP+Transport