I need to allow editor (role) to use "WP All Export" plugin. I`m trying to solve my problem using this code:
add_options_page('WP All Export Pro', 'All Export', 'edit_posts', 'pmxe-admin-manage', 'wp-all-export-pro_options');
But its not working for me... I'm a newbie in WP so any help will be appreciated.
As said in this post,
You need to set the proper capability, third parameter in the add_option_page() function which you would have used to create the menu.
So, what you need to do is set the correct capability.
I think that capability is: 'manage_options'. (Look at line 145 here)
But maybe it is pmxe-manage-options?
The plugin registers the options page only when the user has that capability.