
Installing Postgres-XL with PostGis

Problem: I am trying to install Postgres-XL with PostGis enabled on a 3 node cluster. I managed to install Postgres-XL on 3 nodes with 1 GTM, 1 Co-ordinator & 1 Data Node. Now the problem is when I try to install the PostGis extension on DataNode it installs successfully but when I try to install it on Coordinator it gives me the following error:

[postgres@test_pg_coord postgis-2.3.2]$ psql -d test11 -q -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' -p 30001
ERROR:  type "gidx" does not exist
  LEFTARG    = gidx,
  RIGHTARG   = geography,
  PROCEDURE  = overlaps_geog,
PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 8 at SQL statement

Do I need to just install PostGis on all datanodes & Coordinator or just datanodes?

Any help on the error and / or above question would be appreciated.


  • We managed to get it working with PostGis 2.3.1. So the issue is with PostGis 2.3.2 version.

    I think the new version PostGis 2.3.2 is still not compatible with Postgres-XL.