The code below works when typed manually however when I run the nothing prints. My ultimate goal is to retrieve this data from user pc to create an easy way to recreate shortcuts.... My users somehow lose them lol
import smtplib, os, subprocess, sys
from string import ascii_uppercase
from cStringIO import StringIO
data = os.popen(r"dir %userprofile%\desktop\*.lnk* /s/b").read()
file = open("testitem.txt", "w")
my_data = dict(zip(ascii_uppercase,open("testitem.txt")))
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
for key, value in my_data.iteritems():
subprocess.Popen([r"powershell.exe", "$sh = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell" + "\n" + "$sh.CreateShortcut(\"%s\").TargetPath" % my_data[key].replace("\n", "")], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
sys.stdout = old_stdout
shared = mystdout.getvalue()
print shared
try removing this sys.stdout = old_stdout
line and add stdout=sys.stdout
to your main process line for ex like .Popen(***,stdout=sys.stdout)