I am loading a CSV, and trying to insert the contents in MySQL. One of the fields has commas in it, so for example:
"Jane Doe","Boston","None","Yes","No"
"John Doe","New York","No garlic, onions, or nuts","Yes","No"
"Mary Doe","New York","None","Yes","No"
I start by reading in the file:
<cffile action="read"file="/var/www/html/temp.csv" variable="datacsv">
Then I start a loop:
<cfloop index="index" list="#datacsv#" delimiters="#chr(13)#,#chr(10)#">
<cfset item1 = Replace(listgetAt(index,1), """", "", "ALL")> #item1#<br>
<cfset item2 = Replace(listgetAt(index,2), """", "", "ALL")> #item2#<br>
<cfset item3 = Replace(listgetAt(index,3), """", "", "ALL")> #item3#<br>
<cfset item4 = Replace(listgetAt(index,4), """", "", "ALL")> #item4#<br>
<cfset item5 = Replace(listgetAt(index,5), """", "", "ALL")> #item5#<br>
My problem here is that in the second item (John Doe), those commas in the 3rd field are getting parsed out as new fields. So I either need to figure out what I am missing that is causing that, OR to strip the commas in any field and replace them with a different character.
Try using this regex to replace the embedded commas with dashes:
// CSV content
csvContent = '"John Doe","New York","No garlic, onions, or nuts","Yes","No"';
// Replace all comma in between with dash
',(?!")|(?<!"),(?=[^"]*?"(?:,|\r?\n|\r|$))', '-'
Here is the GIST
This works, but it is also stripping out any CR/LF in there. As I loop through my items, I am doing:
<cfloop index="index" list="#csvContent#" delimiters="#chr(13)#,#chr(10)#">
You can simply use CR/LF( chr(13)chr(10)
) as the delimiter.
Here is an example:
<!--- CSV content --->
<cfset csvContent = '"John Doe","New York","No garlic, onions, or nuts","Yes","No"'>
<!--- Replace all comma in between with dash --->
<cfset newCsvContent = csvContent.replaceAll(
',(?!")|(?<!"),(?=[^"]*?"(?:,|\r?\n|\r|$))', '-'
<!--- Process records --->
<cfloop list="#newCsvContent#" index="csvRow" delimiters="#chr(13)##chr(10)#">
Column 1: #replace( csvRow.listGetAt( 1 ), """", "", "ALL")#<br>
Column 2: #replace( csvRow.listGetAt( 2 ), """", "", "ALL")#<br>
Column 3: #replace( csvRow.listGetAt( 3 ), """", "", "ALL")#<br>
Column 4: #replace( csvRow.listGetAt( 4 ), """", "", "ALL")#<br>
Column 5: #replace( csvRow.listGetAt( 5 ), """", "", "ALL")#<br>