I'm using IQKeyboardManager
and I want to hide the next/previous button from the keyboard...
I referred to this question.
I tried with this code:
[[IQKeyboardManager sharedManager] shouldHidePreviousNext] = YES;
but the shouldHidePreviousNext
property is not available in the library... How can we achieve this? Any help could be appreciated.
shouldHidePreviousNext has deprecated, in this place use previousNextDisplayMode
IQPreviousNextDisplayModeDefault: Show NextPrevious when there are more than 1 textField otherwise hide.
IQPreviousNextDisplayModeAlwaysHide: Do not show NextPrevious buttons in any case.
IQPreviousNextDisplayModeAlwaysShow: Always show nextPrevious buttons, if there are more than 1 textField then both buttons will be visible but will be shown as disabled.
you can access with the property of
@property(nonatomic, assign) IQPreviousNextDisplayMode previousNextDisplayMode;
[[IQKeyboardManager sharedManager] previousNextDisplayMode] = IQPreviousNextDisplayModeAlwaysHide;