I'm trying to use the Zipf_plot function from the tm package to compare two different document-term-matrices - and I'm not an R expert .. Maybe you could tell me, if there's a way to fit both in this function?
Zipf_plot(x, type = "l", ... )
I know, there's a possibility to get both (or more) of them in one window:
but I'd really appreciate a solution with two or more dtms in one graph.
Thanks in advance! :-)
You could try par(new=T)
or try to adjust the function according to your needs, e.g.:
m1 <- DocumentTermMatrix(acq)
m2 <- DocumentTermMatrix(crude)
Zipf_plot(m1, col = "red")
Zipf_plot(m2, col="blue")
Zipf_plot_multi <- function (xx, type = "l", cols = rainbow(length(xx)), ...) {
stopifnot(is.list(xx) & length(xx)==length(cols))
for (idx in seq_along(xx)) {
x <- xx[[idx]]
if (inherits(x, "TermDocumentMatrix"))
x <- t(x)
y <- log(sort(slam::col_sums(x), decreasing = TRUE))
x <- log(seq_along(y))
m <- lm(y ~ x)
dots <- list(...)
if (is.null(dots$xlab))
dots$xlab <- "log(rank)"
if (is.null(dots$ylab))
dots$ylab <- "log(frequency)"
if (idx==1) {
do.call(plot, c(list(x, y, type = type, col = cols[idx]), dots))
} else {
lines(x, y, col = cols[idx])
abline(m, col = cols[idx], lty = "dotted")
Zipf_plot_multi(list(m1, m2), xlim=c(0, 7), ylim=c(0,6))