
Eclipse plugin\Java Library to create flow diagrams

I need to create flow diagrams based on specific inputs, using java code, what are best ways\plugins to achieve this.

sample diagram

something like the above diagram (For sample only it is taken from google images)

Also the diagrams should be editable after generation.


  • I would recommend Graphviz - the industry standard for graphs. It also has Java API (as well as perl, python, ruby etc.), so it possible to use it in Eclipse.

    It uses DOT - a plain text graph description language. Small example:

     digraph graphname {
         a -> b -> c;
         b -> d;

    And the resulting graph:

    A directed graph example

    Graphviz provides everything you need to create any kind of graphs. And yes, diagrams are editable.

    Graphviz Eclipse plug-in: