
Hint or partially hide email address with stars (*) in PHP

I have this mail address

How to convert it into this mail address a****

I tried using strpos and get @ but I cannot get middle values and change it to ****.


  • At first, I thought that strpos() on @ would get me the length of the "local" part of the address and I could use substr_replace() to simply inject the asterisks BUT a valid email address can have multiple @ in the local part AND multibyte support is a necessary inclusion for any real-world project. This means that mb_strpos() would be an adequate replacement for strpos(), but there isn't yet a native mb_substr_replace() function in php, so the convolution of devising a non-regex snippet became increasingly unattractive.

    If you want to see my original answer, you can check the edit history, but I no longer endorse its use. My original answer also detailed how other answers on this page fail to obfuscate email addresses which have 1 or 2 characters in the local substring. If you are considering using any other answers, but sure to test against and as preliminary unit tests.

    My snippet to follow DOES NOT validate an email address; it is assumed that your project will use appropriate methods to validate the address before bothering to allow it into your system. The power/utility of this snippet is that it is multibyte-safe and it will add asterisks in all scenarios and when there is only a single character in the local part, the leading character is repeated before the @ so that the mutated address is harder to guess. Oh, and the number of asterisks to be added is declared as a variable for simpler maintenance.

    Code: (Demo) (PHP7.4+ Demo) (Regex Demo)

    $minFill = 4;
    echo preg_replace_callback(
             function ($m) use ($minFill) {
                  return $m[1]
                         . str_repeat("*", max($minFill, mb_strlen($m[2], 'UTF-8')))
                         . ($m[3] ?: $m[1]);


    ''              => 'a****',
    ''             => 'a****',
    ''            => 'a****',
    ''           => 'a****',
    ''          => 'a****',
    ''         => 'a****',
    ''        => 'a*****',
    'Ф'              => 'Ф****Ф',
    'ФѰ'             => 'Ф****Ѱ',
    'ФѰД'            => 'Ф****Д',
    'ФѰДӐӘӔӺ'        => 'Ф*****Ӻ',
    '"a@tricky@one"' => '"************"',


    /            #pattern delimiter
    ^            #start of string
    (.)          #capture group #1 containing the first character
    (.*?)        #capture group #2 containing zero or more characters (lazy, aka non-greedy)
    ([^@]?)      #capture group #3 containing an optional single non-@ character
    (?=@[^@]+$)  #require that the next character is @ then one or more @ until the end of the string
    /            #pattern delimiter
    u            #unicode/multibyte pattern modifier

    Callback explanation:

    For anyone seeking a less sophisticated approach, the following preg_replace() call will replace the local part of the email from the second (non-last) character to the second-last (non-first) charcter in a 1-to-1 fashion using the \G (continue) metacharacter. There are fringe cases where this technique fails to redact any characters -- so use with caution.

    echo preg_replace("/(?:^.\K|\G(?!^))[^@](?!@)/u", '*', $email);


    ''              => '',               // not good
    ''             => '',              // not good
    ''            => 'a*',
    ''           => 'a**',
    ''          => 'a***',
    ''         => 'a****',
    ''        => 'a*****',
    'Ф'              => 'Ф',               // not good
    'ФѰ'             => 'ФѰ',              // not good
    'ФѰД'            => 'Ф*Д',
    'ФѰДӐӘӔӺ'        => 'Ф*****Ӻ',
    '"a@tricky@one"' => '"a@tricky@one"',  // not good