This is the way I configure my client to render the proper language through react-intl.
import localeData from './translations/en.json';
//import localeData from './translations/xx.json'; <-- any language
const render = routes => {
match({ history, routes }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
<IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={localeData}>
<Provider store={store} app={app} restApp={restApp} key="provider">
<Router {...renderProps} render={renderRouter} history={history}>
However I would like to import the localeData dynamically based on the locale within a cookie. So if the locale of my user is "en", I will only load in the en.json file.
const locale = Cookie.get('locale') || 'en';
const render = routes => {
match({ history, routes }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
<IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={localeData}>
<Provider store={store} app={app} restApp={restApp} key="provider">
<Router {...renderProps} render={renderRouter} history={history}>
What would be the proper way of doing this? Tried creating a function but I can't pass the data properly to messages.
Got it solved through the following codes. Post them here in case someone needs it.
const languages = {
en: require('./translations/en.json'),
zn: require('./translations/zn.json')
const localeData = languages[locale];