I am trying to implement a database integration on a system that triggers, after a user creation, a account creation on Zimbra service through ZimbraAdminService.
The server version is 8.6
On Pentaho Web Service Lookup step, when I fill the URL field with https://example.com/service/wsdl/ZimbraAdminService.wsdl and hit "Load" button, I get the following error:
Could not load WSDL file: WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xsd:schema): faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: An error occurred trying to resolve schema referenced at 'zimbra.xsd'.: java.io.FileNotFoundException: This file was not found: file:/C:/Program Files/Pentaho/data-integration/zimbra.xsd
I already checked the documentation on https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Wsdl
Anyone faced such problem and has a solution? Thanks.
To solve the problem above, I had to go to the browser, access the following addresses, load and save the XML generated of the xsd services as .xsd extension:
Put this files on /your-program-install-folder/Pentaho/data-integration (on Windows - C:\Program Files\Pentaho\data-integration)
After doing that, the problem will be solved.