I am trying to make a program that will go through and visit an array of directories and run a program and create a file inside.
I have everything working except that I need to figure out a way to import from a new path each time to get to a new directory.
For example:
L =["directory1", "directory2", "directory3"]
for i in range(len(L)):
#I know this is wrong, but just to give an idea
myPath = "parent."+L[i]
from myPath import file
#make file... etc.
Obviously when I use myPath as a variable for the path to import, I get an error. I have tried several different ways by searching online through Stack Overflow and reading OS and Sys documentation, but have come to no working result.
You can use 'imp' module to load source code of python scrips
import imp
root_dir = '/root/'
dirs =["directory1", "directory2", "directory3"]
for _dir in dirs:
module_path = os.path.join(root_dir,_dir,'module.py')
mod = imp.load_source("module_name", module_path)
# now you can call function in regular way, like mod.some_func()