How to disable auto indent in Emacs globally or only for some modes?
I have a number of packages installed for RubyOnRails (ruby, html, js, css).
Let's say I want to disable autoindent for css-mode.
You may want to look for variable names containing the word electric
. (This is the common Emacs parlance for actions which occur automatically when particular visible characters are typed.)
In this instance, M-x apropos-variable
RET electric
RET shows me that there is a css-electric-keys
variable containing a list of "Self inserting keys which should trigger re-indentation."
You could use M-x customize-variable
RET css-electric-keys
RET to set this list to nil, or add (setq css-electric-keys nil)
to your init file.
Sometimes a minor mode is used to implement electric behaviours, so that you can switch them on and off more easily. Those would likely be found via M-x apropos-command
RET electric
RET, and you would probably use a major mode hook to ensure that the electric minor mode was disabled, in a similar fashion to this:
(add-hook 'MAJORMODE-mode-hook 'my-MAJORMODE-mode-hook)
(defun my-MAJORMODE-mode-hook ()