I have a 2 player space shooter game and am having trouble with the shooting part. I currently have a ship that moves it's x position with your finger. I want it to shoot strait up when the user pushes the "fire" button. So here is my question. How can I instantiate my bullet(SKSpriteNode) at the gun tip and shoot upwards when the user pushes the "fire"?
This is pretty basic but you need to:
let bullet = SKSPriteNode(ImageNames: "bullet.png")
bullet.position = ship.position
bullet.zPosition = ship.zPosition - 1 // Bullet is under the ship
let bulletMove = SKAction.moveTo(y: frame.size.height, duration: 2)
let bulletRemove = SKAction.removeFromParent()
bullet.run(SKAction.sequence([bulletMove, bulletRemove])