I'm having InstallScript MSI project built in InstallShield. I''m having Custom License Dialog in my installer. I want to read data from license RTF file and write it to ScrollableText control using InstallScript. How can I achieve this?
Also Is there any way to set FileName of ScrollableText control at installation time using InstallScript?
At installation time, I tried to read all data from RTF file to LIST using InstallScript function ListReadFromFile()
and tried to write that data to ScrollableText using function CtrlSetMLEText()
. But ScrollableText is not showing all data of RTF file.
So can someone please suggest me any another way to achieve this ?
control was truncating the data is because it can only show data up to specific character count (32xxx).
To solve this, I have changed the limit of ScrollableText
before sending data to it. Using the following code we can set the character limit for the edit box.
// Get dialog handle
hDlg = CmdGetHwndDlg(SD_DLG_LICENSE_RTF);
// Get Control handle
hScrollControl = CtrlGetDlgItem(SD_DLG_LICENSE_RTF, hDlg, 301);
SendMessage(hScrollControl, EM_LIMITTEXT, 40000, 0);
, we can set a limit for edit fields.
Here is a related article on MSDN blog for this scenario.