Using kueadm command I have configured 3 nodes Kubernetes cluster. Unlike earlier version 1.6.2 kubeadm command configures all the Kubernetes process automatically. For flannel I used this yml file kube-flannel.yml. my understanding with Kubernetes is it will create the container and run the process inside the container but I see flannel process running on node itself but /opt/bin/flannel binary not in my node. How Kubernetes running the flannel?
How Kubernetes handles this? Is there right document explains this concepts?
[root@master01 ~]# kubectl get pods -o wide --namespace=kube-system -l app=flannel NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE kube-flannel-ds-3694s 2/2 Running 37 3d master01 kube-flannel-ds-mbh9b 2/2 Running 10 3d node-01 kube-flannel-ds-vlm20 2/2 Running 12 3d node-02
I see flanneld process
[root@master01 ~]# ps -fed |grep flan root 5447 5415 0 May10 ? 00:00:08 /opt/bin/flanneld --ip-masq --kube-subnet-mgr root 5604 5582 0 May10 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c set -e -x; cp -f /etc/kube-flannel/cni-conf.json /etc/cni/net.d/10-flannel.conf; while true; do sleep 3600; done
but flanneld is not in the master node
> [root@master01 ~]# ls -ld /opt/bin/flanneld > ls: cannot access /opt/bin/flanneld: No such file or directory
Thanks SR
After some more reading found the answer flanneld run inside the continerd.
here is the run details.
we can extract the flannel docker images like below.
> docker save -o flannel-v0.7.1-amd64.tar
> tar tvf flannel-v0.7.1-amd64.tar