
Using jquery-tmpl on responseText

I'm currently trying to fill jquery-templates that I get by using an ajax get on another folder on the server. I wanted to fill the responseTexts i get via .tmpl({..}). Sadly that didn't work. Here's what i do.

var a = $.ajax({
   method: 'GET',
   url : 'TemplateUrl/template.html'

The responseText is a very simple piece of html from a SharePoint Site looking like this

<td class="ms-formbody">
    <!--    FieldName="{{html FieldName}}"
            FieldInternalName = "{{html FieldName}}"
            FieldType = "SPFieldText" -->
    {{html Text}}

When trying to fill the template i get this

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'Text': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.

Maybe you guys have an idea. Would be great. Thanks in advance and

Greetings Chris


  • Ok the answer wasn't that hard and pretty logical once I had it. The template-engine needs the script-wrapper to work properly. So the html needs to look like this

    <script type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">
            <td class="ms-formbody">
                <!--    FieldName="{{html FieldName}}"
                        FieldInternalName = "{{html FieldName}}"
                        FieldType = "SPFieldText" -->
                {{html Text}}