
Code completion Hippo CMS in IntelliJ

I've been trying to get this auto-completion for hippo cms tags to work but I just can't get it to work in IntelliJ IDE 2017! I've followed the guide from;

But it dosen't really help at all.. So I was wondering if somebod else had a solution to this?

The problem can be seen as in the screenshot thats its marked red, and intelliJ finds it unresolved even tho its compiling fine.

Screenshot 1


    1. Add dependency under the project-structure ../bootstrap/webfiles/pom.xml ;


    1. now you have to add Web application support;

    right-clicking on the projectstructe ../bootstrap/webfiles ----> Add Framework Support ---> choose Web Application AND remember to Unmark the "Create web.xml"

    1. After this is done, try to check if the code-completion is working.

      • If it's not then you have to Reimport Maven this is done by pressing the refresh button.. which you can find in the Maven Projects menu tab.

    What I as well found was that the Hippo team already had a problem to get code-completion to work in IntelliJ;