
What is your favorite GWT MVP Framework?

What is your favorite GWT MVP Framework, and the reason behind your choice?

  1. Mvp4g
  2. GWTP
  3. GWT 2.1 Built in
  4. gwt-mpv
  5. gwt-pectin
  6. guit
  7. Other platform (please provide link)
  8. Own solution (with boilerplate code?)
  9. None


Updated: Added suggestions 3, 4, 5 to the list.

Updated 2: Added guit to the list.


  • I think the best technique of MVP for GWT is to have the following classes

    1. Model
    2. View
    3. Presenter

    And make the view and the presenter interacts through a defined interface and have the presenter fetch data from the model. First, it is very simple, secondly it allows team working since we are using interfaces, every teams just have to abide by the interface.

    For e.g.

         1. Those working on the MODEL abide by the ServiceAync Interface
         2. Those working on the view creates the User Interface and returns the  
            specified control to the presenter according the program interface defined by
            their respective presenter
         3. And Finally those working on the presenter level defines an interface which
            the view has to implement

    I think that the main problem that can arise in this is when one part which may be one of the View,the Model or the Presenter doesn't abide by the interface