
indentation ERB file

I have the following code:

if (!EAP-Message) {
    # Now check against the authorized_macs file
    <%- @filename.each do |key,value| -%>
    <%= key %>
    if (!ok) {
    <%- end -%>
                    else {
                        # accept
                        update control {
                            Auth-Type := Accept
                else {
                    # accept
                    update control {
                        Auth-Type := Accept
            else {
                # accept
                update control {
                    Auth-Type := Accept
        else {
            # accept
            update control {
                Auth-Type := Accept
    else {
        # accept
        update control {
            Auth-Type := Accept
else {

I would like to indent the file properly by adding indentation or spaces or tabs after each loop, so that it looks like this:

if (!EAP-Message) {
    # Now check against the authorized_macs file
    if (!ok) {
        if (!ok) {
            if (!ok) {
                if (!ok) {
                    if (!ok) {
                    else {
                        # accept
                        update control {
                            Auth-Type := Accept
                else {
                    # accept
                    update control {
                        Auth-Type := Accept
            else {
                # accept
                update control {
                    Auth-Type := Accept
        else {
            # accept
            update control {
                Auth-Type := Accept
    else {
        # accept
        update control {
            Auth-Type := Accept
else {

This is a part of the /etc/freeradius/sites-available/default of my freeradius puppet module, which is finally done. The @filename variable is a hiera_hash, which I get from a yaml file. Here is the relevant part:

        - 'aaaaa'
        - 'bbbbb'
    vlan: '10' 
        - 'ccccc' 
        - 'ddddd'  
    vlan: '11'
        - 'eeeee'
        - 'fffff'
    vlan: '12'
        - 'ggggg'
        - 'hhhhh'
    vlan: '13'
        - 'iiiii'
        - 'jjjjj'
    vlan: '14'

And below is the define I use to create among other things the content of the default file:

define test_freeradius::files (

  $macfile  = $title,

) {

  include test_freeradius::service

  ensure_resource('file', '/etc/freeradius/modules/files', {
      ensure  => 'file',
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'root',
      mode    => '0644',
      content => template("${module_name}/files.erb"),
      require => Class['test_freeradius::install'],
      notify  => Service['freeradius'],

  file { "/etc/freeradius/${macfile}" :
    ensure  => 'file',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0644',
    content => template("${module_name}/macfiles.erb"),
    require => Class['test_freeradius::install'],
    notify  => Service['freeradius'],

  ensure_resource('file', '/etc/freeradius/sites-available/default', {
      ensure  => 'file',
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'freerad',
      mode    => '0644',
      content => template("${module_name}/default.erb"),
      require => Class['test_freeradius::install'],
      notify  => Service['freeradius'],

  ensure_resource('file', '/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default', {
      ensure => 'link',
      target => '/etc/freeradius/sites-available/default',

The loop does what it should, but without indentation, I tried different things like adding <%= " "%> at several positions and creating a variable for the if (!ok) { part, unfortunately without success, maybe I should restructure the code? any ideas?


  • You ought to be able to generate appropriate indentation via Ruby scriptlet code by building up an indentation string as you iterate. For example,

    if (!EAP-Message) {
        # Now check against the authorized_macs file
        <%- indent = '' -%>
        <%- @filename.each do |key,value| -%>
        <%= indent %><%= key %>
        <%= indent %>if (!ok) {
        <%- indent += '    ' -%>
        <%- end -%>

    It seems to me, though, that you might have another problem. Can you be confident that the @filenames hash will always contain exactly five entries? If it contains some other number of entries then your template will produce malformed output, because there will be either too many or too few block closures.

    You could address that by using an approach similar to the one I already described to build up the block closures in a string as you iterate, and then outputting the string at the appropriate point (instead of using template text to close the blocks).