
Authenticate Chrome's remoting( Remote Desktop ) using third party

If yes then how can we achieve this? By third party I mean using customized authentication service other than google accounts. Platform: Browser app & android

My question is based on fact that in remoting code repository ( ) there is commit (Revision 190024) which says adding "Third Party authentication protocol".Please correct if I misunderstood this commit intent. Details below :

Revision 190024 - (view) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Mar 23 16:27:52 2013 UTC (4 years, 1 month ago) by
File length: 2827 byte(s)
Diff to previous 150225

I tried building Chrome RDP using instruction mentioned in following links but to my bad I didn't find any step suggesting third party authentication.

As its open sourced there is no point to force users to users certain type of authentication.


  • Thanks to Jamie Walch from ,my query was resolved, Posting here for other's use.