
Bourbon Neat 1 - make elements span the gutter

I keep receiving designs whereby the designer has followed a grid, but occasionally the elements line up to the other side of the gutter, or 2 elements meet halfway though a column. Please see the image - the first row shows normal conformity to a grid, the second row shows some of the issues.

Using Bourbon Neat 1.0 (not 2), how can I replicate these sizes (other than telling our designer not to do it)? I imagine some kind of mixin like @include span-right-gutter() but maybe I'm not searching for the right things.

Also - now that 2.0 is out I can't find any docs for 1.0 - where are the docs?!

Any help appreciated, thanks.



  • I found that I can access column and gutter widths directly like:

    width: flex-grid(7) + flex-gutter(12);