I am dealing here with two events of a model, updating and updated as you can see in the below code. My concern is that I want to do some task in the updated event only if the teacherId has been changed, So I figured to check the value at the updating event and use a class property to know if it had been changed or not but that flag always returns false assuming its defined value.
namespace App\Observers;
class SubjectObserver {
private $shouldUpdateThreads = false;
* Listen to the ThreadList created event.
* This events Fire when ThreadList is handled
* @param \App\Observers\App\ThreadList $threadList
public function created(\subject $subject) {
* Listen to the ThreadList saved event.
* @param \App\Observers\App\ThreadList $threadList
public function saved(\subject $subject) {
* Handling subject updated event
* Used to update the threads and related models
* @param \subject $subject
public function updated(\subject $subject) {
info('After Update Event ' . $this->shouldUpdateThreads);
if ($this->shouldUpdateThreads) {
info('After Update Check');
* Handling subject being updated event
* Used to check if the teachers data has changed or not
* @param \subject $subject
public function updating(\subject $_subject) {
$subject = \subject::find($_subject->id);
$this->shouldUpdateThreads = ($subject->teacherId != $_subject->teacherId) ? true : false;
info(($subject->teacherId != $_subject->teacherId));
info("Thread update ? " . $this->shouldUpdateThreads);
public function deleted(\subject $subject) {
info("Subject deleted");
Is this even the right apporach ? if not what am I doing wrong ?
In Eloquent Models you can use the getOriginal
method when updating attributes.
So if you want to get the original value (before update) of teacherId
you can do:
See https://laravel.com/api/5.5/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.html#method_getOriginal
In your code:
public function updated(\subject $subject) {
info('After Update Event ' . $this->shouldUpdateThreads);
if ($subject->getOriginal('teacher_id') !== $subject->teacher_id) {
info('After Update Check');