
Exporting all images in a Google Earth Engine image collection (Google Earth Engine API)

I need to download a bunch of Landsat images for my thesis. My problem seems simple but I don't have a clue about JavaScript and the documentation didn't help enough. I have filtered the collection to my region and time period and i want to export all images to Drive, seperately. Collection example:

var surfaceReflectanceL5 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LT5_SR');
var dateSR5=surfaceReflectanceL5.filterDate('1984-01-01', '1985-01-01');
var prSR5=dateSR5.filter(ee.Filter.eq('wrs_path', 182))
                     .filter(ee.Filter.eq('wrs_row', 35)); 

The code for exporting a single image is:

  image: image1 //example, var image1='Landsat/....'
  description: 'L51984_1',
  scale: 30,

How can I iterate through the collection to export all images? The use of map() function seems to be the answer.{
  image: image,
  description: 'L51984',
  scale: 30,

The question is how to set the image parameter to the correct image (i.e first the 1st image, then the 2nd etc, something like 'thisImage()' ) and the description to match image (i.e. 'L51984_1','L51984_2'...).

Many thanks in advance!!!


  • I have created a function to perform a similar action. It is available in a bunch of gee tools I've created:

    Here is the code:

     * Author: Rodrigo E. Principe
     * License: Apache 2.0
    This function Exports all images from one Collection
    col = collection that contains the images (ImageCollection) (not optional)
    folder = the folder where images will go (str) (not optional)
    scale = the pixel's scale (int) (optional) (defaults to 1000) (for Landsat use 30)
    type = data type of the exported image (str) (option: "float", "byte", "int", "double") (optional) (defaults to "float")
    nimg = number of images of the collection (can be greater than the actual number) (int) (optional) (defaults to 500)
    maxPixels = max number of pixels to include in the image (int) (optional) (defults to 1e10)
    region = the region where images are on (Geometry.LinearRing or Geometry.Polygon) (optional) (defaults to the image footprint)
    Be careful with the region parameter. If the collection has images 
    in different regions I suggest not to set that parameter
    ExportCol(myLandsatCol, "Landsat_imgs", 30)
    var ExportCol = function(col, folder, scale, type,
                             nimg, maxPixels, region) {
        type = type || "float";
        nimg = nimg || 500;
        scale = scale || 1000;
        maxPixels = maxPixels || 1e10;
        var colList = col.toList(nimg);
        var n = colList.size().getInfo();
        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          var img = ee.Image(colList.get(i));
          var id =;
          region = region || img.geometry().bounds().getInfo()["coordinates"];
          var imgtype = {"float":img.toFloat(), 
            description: id,
            folder: folder,
            fileNamePrefix: id,
            region: region,
            scale: scale,
            maxPixels: maxPixels})

    I haven't tried it a lot, but worked in a couple of test I made, example:

    var batch = require('users/fitoprincipe/geetools:batch')
    var col = ee.ImageCollection("LEDAPS/LE7_L1T_SR").filterDate("2002-01-01","2002-01-03");
    batch.Download.ImageCollection.toDrive(col, "Folder", {scale:30});

    If you have any issue you can comment here, but also you can post it on github.