I have an Android that I deploy to a Google Play alpha track trough a CI server. For the Android versionCode
I make use of the CI build number that I inject into the Gradle script through an environment variable.
This used to work fine; but currently Google Play is not accepting any builds. When I manually trigger a alpha upload build (using the gradle-play-publisher plugin) for Gradle I eventually end up with the following error:
APK has an invalid version code.
So when looking (using aapt dump badging apk-path
) at the generated APK I see an empty value for the version code (versionCode=''
The relevant code from the build script:
def appVersionCode = System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") as Integer ?: 0
defaultConfig {
versionCode appVersionCode
It seems the variable is not read correctly; however it reads System.getenv("KEY_PASS")
correctly to use for signing.
The variable is also set:
Does anyone have an idea why this specific variable doesn't seem to be read (anymore)?
Gradle version: 3.5 with Android Gradle plugin 2.3.1.
Try to change your code to this:
def appVersionCode = Integer.valueOf(System.env.BUILD_NUMBER ?: 1)
defaultConfig {
versionCode appVersionCode