
HTML5 RNC- datatype library "" not recognized

I tried to validate my HTML5 document against the Nu RNC set available in using jing, I ended up with "datatype library " not recognized" error. I am not sure what is the error all about. Is it not possible to validate the HTML5 using this RNC set in jing?


  • Maintainer of the schema here.

    That schema’s not really meant for use outside the context of the Nu Html Checker. Among other things, it relies on a datatype library—set of Java classes—we don’t package/distribute separately.

    The lack of it in your classpath causes the “Datatype library… not recognized” error you cite. For it to work, in your classpath you need to have a jar file with those classes and a special manifest.

    We do distribute a jar file that contains those, but with a lot of other things too—the jar is 22MB. You can get that (zipped) jar from here:

    Once you unzip that, you’ll have a local vnu.jar file, which you can use like this:

    java -cp vnu.jar com.thaiopensource.relaxng.util.Driver \
      -c \

    Of course if you have a local clone of the repo, then you can replace with the filesystem path to the local copy of that xhtml5.rnc file.