I have a class to which I add attribute accessors dynamically at runtime. This class forms part a DSL, whereby blocks get passed to configuration methods and invoked using instance_eval. This makes it possible in the DSL to remove references to 'self' when referencing methods of the class.
However, I've discovered that I can reference the attributes to retrieve their values, but am unable to assign them, unless explicity referencing self, as the following code sample illustrates.
class Bar
def add_dynamic_attribute_to_class(name)
def invoke_block(&block)
instance_eval &block
def self.add_dynamic_attribute(name)
attr_accessor name
b = Bar.new
b.add_dynamic_attribute_to_class 'dyn_attr'
b.dyn_attr = 'Hello World!'
# dyn_attr behaves like a local variable in this case
b.invoke_block do
dyn_attr = 'Goodbye!'
# unchanged!
puts "#{b.dyn_attr} but should be 'Goodbye!'"
# works if explicitly reference self
b.invoke_block do
self.dyn_attr = 'Goodbye!'
# changed...
puts "#{b.dyn_attr} = 'Goodbye!"
# using send works
b.invoke_block do
send 'dyn_attr=', 'Hello Again'
# changed...
puts "#{b.dyn_attr} = 'Hello Again!"
# explain this... local variable or instance method?
b.invoke_block do
puts "Retrieving... '#{dyn_attr}'"
# doesn't fail... but no effect
dyn_attr = 'Cheers'
# unchanged
puts "#{b.dyn_attr} should be 'Cheers'"
Can anyone explain why this isn't behaving as expected?
The issue arrises with the way that Ruby deals with instance and local variables. What is happening is that you are setting a local variable in your instance_eval block, rather than using the ruby accessor.
This might help explain it:
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar
def input_local
bar = "local"
[bar, self.bar, @bar, bar()]
def input_instance
self.bar = "instance"
[bar, self.bar, @bar, bar()]
def input_both
bar = "local"
self.bar = "instance"
[bar, self.bar, @bar, bar()]
foo = Foo.new
foo.input_local #["local", nil, nil, nil]
foo.input_instance #["instance", "instance", "instance", "instance"]
foo.input_both #["local", "instance", "instance", "instance"]
The way bocks work is that they distinguish between local and instance variables, but if a local variable is not defined when it's reader is called, the class defaults to the instance variable (as is the case with the call to input_instance in my example).
There are three ways to get the behavior you want.
Use instance variables:
class Foo attr_accessor :bar def evaluate(&block) instance_eval &block end end foo = Foo.new foo.evaluate do @bar = "instance" end foo.bar #"instance"
Use a self variable:
class Foo attr_accessor :bar def evaluate(&block) block.call(self) end end foo = Foo.new foo.evaluate do |c| c.bar = "instance" end foo.bar #"instance"
Use setter functions:
class Foo attr_reader :bar def set_bar value @bar = value end def evaluate(&block) instance_eval &block end end foo = Foo.new foo.evaluate do set_bar "instance" end foo.bar #"instance"
All of these examples set foo.bar to "instance".