
Using a [weak self] for a HTTP Request

I have a question regarding the need of using [weak self] in closures and HTTP requests.

As example we have a HTTP request who triggers a closure on completion:

func saveBla() {
    blaManager.saveBla(bla) { error in

My questions is: Do I need to use a weak reference here or not? First of all I don't want to lose the response from the api call, after moving to an other page. Beside of that I don't want to create a retain cycle with a memory leak?

func saveBla() {
    blaManager.saveBla(bla) { [weak self] error in
        guard let strongSelf = self else { return }

Is it really needed to use a [weak self] in this situation?


  • It depends on the relationship of your manager and your controller.

    Conslusion: It will cause retain cycle if A owned B and B owned A without a weak reference.

    class NetManager {
        func fire(completion: (_ result: Bool) -> Void) {
    class controler: UIViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            let manager = NetManager()
            // In this case the Manager and Controller NOT own each other,
            // And the block will release after request finished, it is ok to not use weak.
            manager.fire { (result) in
        let manager = NetManager()
        func anOtherExample() {
            // In this case the controller own the manager,
            // manager own the controller, but manager will relase the controller after 
            // request finished, this will cause a delay to controller's relase, but it is still ok.
            manager.fire { (result) in

    if your manages behave like this, then manager will own the controller and it will cause retain cycle when the controller owns manager.

    class NetManager {
        var completion: ((_ result: Bool) -> Void)?
        func fire(completion: @escaping (_ result: Bool) -> Void) {
            self.completion = completion

    more details: https://krakendev.io/blog/weak-and-unowned-references-in-swift