
Django: Use TinyMCE 4 in admin interface

After trying various ways to have TinyMCE as editor for my HTML content in Django administration I finally get it to work with this tutorial -

However using this method I have to have Django 1.9 and "Grappelli" admin skin which I would rather avoid. I tried to remove it but it also removed TinyMCE.

I also tried using HTMLField() from django-tinymce package, but this way got very crude editor with only handful of options (bold, italics, lists and that was that).

Is there any "best-practice" to have Django (newest version) administration with full-fledged TinyMCE 4?

EDIT: After trying various options (like advanced theme with HTMLField()) I am back where I started with Grappelli theme. I guess I can put up with this theme for some time.


  • Third party library is the quick solution but if you want JS only solution and do not need any other library to be installed.You can do it in django admin with your custom JS file.

    class FooForm(forms.ModelForm):
       def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
          super(FooForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
          self.fields['yourtinymcefield'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'tiny-class'
       class Meta:
          model = FooModel
          fields = ('fields') # your fields here

    Then in your

    class FooAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        form = FooForm
        # regular stuff
        class Media:
            js = (
                '' # tinymce js file
                'js/myscript.js',       # project static folder
            ), FooAdmin)

    Then initialize it in myscript.js

            //mode : "textareas",
            mode : "specific_textareas",
            editor_selector : "tiny-class",
            theme : "simple"