
Authorization Issue while integrating the Payum module in zf2

I have successfully integrated the payum module with my zf2 project, But now when the module goes to capture the payment zend gives an error as:

 Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Resource PayumCapture not defined' in \vendor\coolcsn\csn-authorization\src\CsnAuthorization\Module.php:

While I have add the controller methods in my as follows:

 'Reisesparer\Controller\Payment' => array(
      'paypalEc' => 'guest',
      'stripeJs' => 'guest',
      'done' => 'guest',
      'PayumCapture' => 'guest'

But still the above error is showing how to resolve this issue?


  • Looks like your authorization isn't looking for the resource via your controller. Could you try adding: 'PayumCapture' => array('all' => 'guest',),

    To your acl.config