The most common definition of the ppp protocol I have met on the internet is : The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a standard method for transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links. PPP also defines an extensible Link Control Protocol.
My question : Do we consider a simple client/server application(which transfers images) between two android devices over wi-fi(tcp), a ppp connection.
If yes, how do we implement CHAP on these two devices.
N.B: I do understand what CHAP is and how it works, I just don’t know how I would implement it in this case. Considering also that I don’t use any database or password.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
PPP is a layer 2 protocol, like Ethernet or Wi-Fi. It's meant for point-to-point physical links, and the rest of the TCP/IP stack (IP, TCP, HTTP...) comes on top of it.
So PPP is most certainly not appropriate in your case. Depending on your requirements and setup, you could use HTTP, raw TCP, or possibly a myriad other protocols, though the question of which one to use is way too broad if you don't give us more details.