
Shredding XML column in SQL Server into new tables

I have a source table, each row of which has an XML field that contains an unknown number of survey responses that I need to shred and put into output tables. I've tried nodes and OPENXML and I can't seem to get it working. From my research, I'm thinking I need to use CROSS APPLY, but I can't seem to put it all together in my head in a way that I understand and get it to work. I apologize if I'm missing something simple, but I really am stuck and would appreciate any help offered for how to deal with this.

Here's the source table containing imported data (the format of which I have no control over) that looks like this:

ImportId    SurveyId    DateImported              ResponseData
--------    --------    ------------              ------------
1           11223344    2017-05-21 18:00:00.00    <survey><data><result>...
2           55667788    2017-05-21 18:01:00.00    <survey><data><result>...
3           99009988    2017-05-21 18:02:00.00    <survey><data><result>...

Here's a simplified example of the XML in the ResponseData column:

            <date_submitted>2017-05-10 09:30:15</date_submitted>
                            <answer>I don't know</answer>
                ... more questions ...
            <date_submitted>2017-05-11 10:00:00</date_submitted>
                            <answer>Definitely not</answer>
                            <answer>I object</answer>
                ... more questions ...
        ... more results ...

I need to take this data, shredding the XML to get multiple results in each ResponseData field and put it in two tables like these:

ResultId    SurveyId    RespondentId    RespondentLevel    DateSubmitted
--------    --------    ------------    ---------------    -------------
12345       11223344    987654          5                  2017-05-10 09:30:15
67890       11223344    34567           10                 2017-05-11 10:00:00
(Data extracted from the rest of ImportId 1 followed by ImportId 2, 3, etc)

ResultId      QuestionId    SubquestionId    Answer
----------    ----------    -------------    ------
12345         1             0                Yes
12345         2             0                No
12345         3             4                Maybe
12345         3             5                I don't know
67890         1             0                No
67890         2             0                Yes
67890         3             4                Definitely not
67890         3             5                I object
(Data extracted from the rest of ImportId 1 followed by ImportId 2, 3, etc)


  • For Two Tables, you would need two queries

    Example (I used only 1 record but will apply to multiple)

    Declare @YourTable Table ([ImportId] int,[SurveyId] int,[DateImported] datetime,[ResponseData] xml)
    Insert Into @YourTable Values
    (1,11223344,'2017-05-21 18:00:00.00','<survey><data><result><id>12345</id><date_submitted>2017-05-10 09:30:15</date_submitted><url_variables><respondent_id><key>respondent_id</key><value>987654</value><type>url</type></respondent_id><respondent_level><key>respondent_level</key><value>5</value><type>url</type></respondent_level></url_variables><survey_data><question><id>1</id><answer>Yes</answer></question><question><id>2</id><answer>No</answer></question><question><id>3</id><subquestions><subquestion><id>4</id><answer>Maybe</answer></subquestion><subquestion><id>5</id><answer>I don''t know</answer></subquestion></subquestions></question></survey_data></result><result><id>67890</id><date_submitted>2017-05-11 10:00:00</date_submitted><url_variables><respondent_id><key>respondent_id</key><value>34567</value><type>url</type></respondent_id><respondent_level><key>respondent_level</key><value>10</value><type>url</type></respondent_level></url_variables><survey_data><question><id>1</id><answer>No</answer></question><question><id>2</id><answer>Yes</answer></question><question><id>3</id><subquestions><subquestion><id>4</id><answer>Definitely not</answer></subquestion><subquestion><id>5</id><answer>I object</answer></subquestion></subquestions></question></survey_data></result></data></survey>')
    Select B.*
     From  @YourTable A
     Cross Apply (
                    Select [ResultID]        = r.n.value('(id)[1]','int')
                          ,[RespondentId]    = r.n.value('(url_variables/respondent_id/value)[1]','int')
                          ,[RespondentLevel] = r.n.value('(url_variables/respondent_level/value)[1]','int')
                          ,[DateSubmitted]   = r.n.value('(date_submitted)[1]','datetime')
                     From  A.[ResponseData].nodes('survey/data/result') r(n)
                 ) B
    Select B.*
     From  @YourTable A
     Cross Apply (
                    Select [ResultID]      = r.n.value('(id)[1]','int')
                          ,[QuestionId]    = IsNull(q.n.value('(id)[1]','int'),0)
                          ,[SubquestionId] = IsNull(s.n.value('(id)[1]','int'),0)
                          ,[answer]        = concat(q.n.value('(answer)[1]','varchar(50)') 
                     From  A.[ResponseData].nodes('survey/data/result') r(n)
                     Cross Apply r.n.nodes('survey_data/question')      q(n)
                     Outer Apply q.n.nodes('subquestions/subquestion')  s(n)
                 ) B


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