I want to create Page Objects using SitePrsim. Selector of element on page is in form 'service_id'. How to find all elements/sections in a single page where id is different but selector contains key word 'service_' ?
I have tried:
class ServicesSection < SitePrism::Section
class APIs < SitePrism::Page
element :create_service, '#content > a'
sections :services, ServicesSection, "#service"
def create_new
Elements I am looking for looks like this:
<section class="service-widget u-legacy-cookie is-closed" id="service_2555417736137">
All of these elements are children from:
<div class="self_clear" id="content">
You can use the CSS "begins with" attribute selector to do what you're asking - https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_attribute_selectors.asp
sections :services, ServicesSection, 'section[id^="service_"]'
although, from your example, just using a class name may work just as well
sections :services, ServicesSection, 'section.service-widget'