I have some XML which I have to convert to JSON. The XML has nodes like
<Title xml:lang="en">The Steal In The Wheels</Title>
I want to remove this xml:lang="en"
from the xml nodes.
Actually, I am working in node.js and I need title value. I am converting XML to JSON using xml2js. It is converting to JSON but it is giving title value with style. So that I am trying to remove this attribute.
I was converting xml to json and when i was trying to get the value of title then it was coming with style.
So that i asked this question. Now i got the solution so that i want to share with you if anybody from you stucked like me then it will help you.
Here is the code:
var xml2js = require('xml2js');
function GetRequestBody(data){
var parser = new xml2js.Parser({ignoreAttrs : true, mergeAttrs : false});
parser.parseString(data.toString(), function (err, result) {
var post_data = querystring.stringify({
'name' : result.Documents.Content[0].Title
return post_data;